Geelong dental’s Bite Wing X-Rays with the dentists are an integral part of our diagnosis and treatments planing when you visit our dentists practice.
X-rays are used as an important diagnostic tool at our dental clinics. It helps the dentists to determine the best approach for dental treatment plan.
The dentists might also refer you for a full mouth x-rays, if needed. This can be taken from a radiologist x-ray imaging place, Which can be bulk billed.
Dental x-ray will help the dentists to understand the dental problems. It also helps them to develop the best dental treatment plan.
Bite wing dental x-rays helps the dentists in their diagnosis for holes in between the teeth and under fillings. It also helps to find the bone levels around the tooth and for any other pathology.
The OPG gives the dentists an overall picture of your dental health. At the initial dental appointment, an OPG referral can be given by our dentists, which will be an x-ray of your whole mouth, sinus, and the TMJ.
A precise dental x-ray to check for holes in between the teeth is called the bite wings. We recommend that bite wings xrays should be taken every two years as a part of full check up.
Out Geelong Dental dentists are fully equipped with bite wing x-rays units to do the needed dental treatments. If the dentists finds the bite wing xrays is not sufficient, then they can also advise and refer you to an imaging place facility for full mouth X-rays.
Please visit our dentists at Geelong for all your dental care needs including X-Rays. Our dental clinics are open for late or after hours and also weekends appointments.